How to unleash your potential, overcome procrastination and limiting beliefs and create infinite success?

19 August 2020 by Ruth Adjaho Samuelsson

How to overcome shame

Why are people unhappy with their life? Why are they unhappy with their career? Why are they struggling with their relationship, yet continue doing nothing about it?

Limiting beliefs

The reason is that of the limiting beliefs that are not identified or managed. No matter the age, gender, nationality or religion, everyone experiences moments of doubt, of uncertainty, of whether they can learn something new or whether they could overcome certain obstacles. These limiting beliefs are nothing else than thoughts that came from the environment, the organizational structures, parents, society, friends, and relationships. Unfortunately, they are extremely powerful. They are holding people back from achieving success and growth, from being extraordinary. They don’t allow discovering people’s true potential, and they come in the way of their dreams. What is truly happening is that people grew up without realizing or even analyzing the way they were behaving and what was driving their decisions. They went through life believing that they are not meant to be happy, to be wealthy or even healthy. However, what they don’t realize is their decisions are based on what they were once told they should do with their life. So the result is that they go through life on automatic pilot, without analyzing what they are feeling, whether they are living their passion, purpose or whether their actions have any meaning.  


How to overcome depression

Struggles in career and business

The lack of self-esteem, doubt, uncertainty are nothing else than emotions coming from people’s thoughts. There are few situations where a fear is reasonably justified. Nevertheless, people are more afraid of public speaking than of dying. Nothing explains it, yet it feels so powerful that it stills people’s strength. It is well known that the moment the emotion goes up, the intelligence goes down. Without analyzing why it is happening, people let this fear take their chances to opportunities, to greatness, to a lifestyle they deserve. It is all because of the uncontrolled thoughts and the unreasonable behaviors they are generating. Building a mindset becomes a must and no longer a nice to have. The moment arrives when they wake up and realize that they have wasted a major part of their life on being afraid of taking action, of taking a risk, of loving and of being their true self.    


How to stop feeling stuck

Struggles in relationships

Is there a golden rule for being loved, being surrounded by people who appreciate who we are? The answer is no. However, this doesn’t stop people from thinking that some couples are luckier than others. But is it truly luck? The answer is rather straight forward. The only reason not everyone achieved it is because of a lack of discipline, values, growth and self-awareness. So they keep attracting, the same kind of persons in their life, without wondering about the reason and without learning their lessons. They keep doing the same mistakes, living the same pattern. So they end up struggling to make their couple work, they are constantly fighting, criticizing, blaming or even hurting each other. Why is that? Why did they end up in that situation? They must have been in love once. Where did those feeling go and how can they take them back? The reality is they have made decisions which led them where they are today. Good or bad. The question is how can they move forward? Or how can they repair the past? Is it even possible? How can they make a change?


How to overcome guilt

How to improve the life quality

Few of us are aware that our bodies communicate with us constantly. Our limiting beliefs come from the collective consciousness. The mind influences our body. We all have the power over our mind, but few take the conscious decision to implement a daily practice and discipline, to train their mind and reprogram the old limiting beliefs. Once people change their limiting beliefs, they can reclaim their potential, success and true self. People need to understand and acknowledge that they are in control of their life and can create the reality they so passionately desire.  


Support and growth

What are the benefits for joining our program?

Unleash your potential was created to provide you with the techniques that only very few people have ever seen. Through this program people will: 

  • Overcome self-doubts and the imposture syndrome so you can live your purpose
  • Become limitless by gaining clarity of your subconscious and conscious mind so you understand your potentials
  • Be inspired by create massive change in your career, life and the lives of those around you;
  • Become awakened and understanding why most people are spinning their wheels and how to move pass it;
  • Clear the limiting beliefs that were blocking you to create the best version of yourself and were in your way of achieving what you want;
  • Be unstoppable by rewriting those beliefs that stopped you from turning your dreams into reality
  • Understand your emotions and feelings and taking control over them so you can improve your relationships.
  • Calm your mind through meditation so you can sooth your mind and regain your energy.

What do others say?

Ann E.

"Ruth, came into my world many years ago as a support friend and a mentor. I was instantly drawn to her energy. Ruth mission and motivation to bring women together to empower themselves, follow their dreams and support others with their God given talent, gave me hope. I was inspired to see her pursuing her dream becoming a coach, indeed she never gave up during difficult times in her life. She has always displayed her leadership skills and delivered through empowering and inspirational talks. My life changed tremendously with her teaching and motivation. Thank you is not enough word for what she has done for me".

How to join?

Most people talk about change, but very few do it. This can be done by analyzing your conditions and pinpointing challenges. The question is, what is holding you back from improving your situation? The answer will uncover your belief system and your limited ability to grow. Take advantage of this course to unleash your potential. This is your date to unleash your potential!

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