Ep 40. Unlock Your Brain: How To Fail and Pick Yourself Up In No Time

Season #2

Do you ever feel like you're too afraid to try something new in case you fail? Well, you're not alone. Many people are hesitant to take risks, especially when it comes to their careers. But as it turns out, failure can actually be a good thing in business.

Brian's journey into entrepreneurship began back in 2012 with a thought that people needed access to vetted, natural health providers. The vision was to create the “Angie’s List” of holistic healthcare practitioners. After 3 years of doing everything on his own, making lots of mistakes and seeing meager results he shut it down. Even though he took a punch to the gut by the real business world, the fire to be an entrepreneur never left. In 2018 Brian found Dan Lok and the High Ticket Closer program. Find out more about Brian's journey in this podcast.


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