Ep 55. Law of Attraction: How to Build Your Business with the Power of Your Thoughts

Season #2

The law of attraction is a popular spiritual concept that suggests that what you focus on expands. This means that if you're constantly focusing on what's wrong in your life, you'll only attract more of the same negative experiences. However, if you focus on what you want to achieve, you'll be more likely to achieve it. In business, this means setting your goals and staying focused on them while visualizing yourself achieving them. Luke Trappel Law of Attraction Specialist and Mindset Coach. He has studied under some of the best minds in the biz people like Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Vitale. He is 42 years young and married to the most wonderful woman he has ever met. He loves helping new coaches and entrepreneurs to be at their best every day through mindset, LOA, and habits.


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