Ep 57. Stop These Big Mindset Mistakes That Are Killing Your Progress

Season #2

Are you looking to grow an online business? There are a few things you can do to change your mindset and start seeing results. Too often, people give up when their business doesn't take off overnight. Remember, it takes time and patience to grow an online business. So don't get discouraged – just keep working hard and you'll see results! There are a number of things you can do to help your business grow, including: creating content, building relationships with other business owners, and using social media. Gill was born in England but moved to France 6 years ago. She set up her online business just a year ago and wants to prove age is no barrier at the age of 71 years. Gill is a Member of a Community of Coaches who collaborate and not compete to grow their businesses together. She is a Coach and wants to spread the value of Mindset, Personal Development and Growth throughout the world. She believes there are so many people in need at the moment due to the results of the pandemic. Through a Coaching program called Mindset, Lifestyle and Business Solution she wants to show people there is an alternative to the selling ones time for money in a job or that self employment online is a growing industry that people out of work should consider as a viable option.


50% Complete

Two Step

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